Spent much of yesterday dealing with jet lag. But an afternoon stroll took us past The Phallus Museum which was quite well done — a biological collection of “members” from different animals with a number of lamps illuminating the rooms made of walrus scrotum. Interesting fun facts — some carnivores who engage in repeated matings have bones to help them along, other animals have muscles which hold everything inside until it is time to mate and then the muscles relax and boing — out pops a whale dick. Dinner at a wonderful seafood restaurant M where the lobster cream soup was magnificently layered with flavors and the Artic Char perfectly sizzled in a pan with crispy skin. Strolled around today to Hallgrimska the church built on the concept of a waterfall. A singing group was rehearsing for a concert and the music was a real treat. The city is clean, the buildings low and it feels like a long way from home. Weather in the fifties, an occasional drizzle, humid. A food tour tonight left me bulging. Arctic char and smoked duck at the first restaurant, a lamb hot dog with all the Icelandic trimmings (onions, ketchup, mustard —ugh); more Arctic char and fish mash at the restaurant we were at the night before; a local bar where we tasted fermented shark(I spit it out) but the beer was good as was the beef broth but I was too full to taste it and finally dessert — rye ice cream with some sort of heavy pastry that looked like it came from the phallus museum.
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